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Having your day in court

Why It's Always Good to Call a Family Lawyer During a Divorce

by Beverley Lopez

When a couple goes through a divorce, they may assume that they can simply write out their own agreement about support, child visitation and custody, and property division. In some areas this is legally allowed, and the court will simply review the paperwork and file it away, and then legally dissolve the marriage.

While this may seem quick and convenient and even more affordable than hiring a family attorney, it's always in a person's best interest to at least have an attorney review such paperwork before it's filed. Note why that is and how an attorney can protect you during this time.

1. Your Situation May Change Significantly

When creating an agreement, a couple may think about their current situation and not about how it may change significantly, and if these changes are not addressed in their paperwork, they may not be able to make adjustments very easily. As an example, one spouse may agree to pay a certain amount of spousal support to the other. However, what if the spouse who pays loses his or her job? What if their income decreases significantly? What if the other spouse gets a new job, and especially one that has a higher salary than the job of the spouse who is paying support?

A good divorce or family attorney will know to address these types of changes in your agreement so that it remains fluid and continues to work for both spouses, no matter how circumstances change.

2. Arrangements Need to Be Detailed

When coming up with an agreement about spousal support, child support, and other such details, you need to ensure that these things are dated. Otherwise, you may wind up paying your ex-spouse support for the rest of your life! As well as being dated, you may need to include other details that protect you, such as how much time you have to pay your support after you receive a paycheck, and whether or not a spouse has the right to move a certain distance with the children in tow.

A family lawyer will know to include these types of details so that no part of the agreement is overlooked. They may also ask about details you had not considered, such as if the child visitation gets adjusted during holidays and school breaks, and if both spouses will have the right to raise the children in their respective religions. Having a family lawyer (like those at Crawford Ryan Lawyers Pty Ltd) address all these details can make a separation much easier on a couple.
