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Having your day in court

Are you wondering if you need a lawyer to defend you in court? I'm here to tell you that you do. People with legal representation get much better deals when they have their day in court - and you won't get a second chance if you don't get it right the first time. If you are feeling uncertain about representing yourself, on whether you need a lawyer or the best way to choose a lawyer my site has all the useful information and links you could need. Make sure you put you best foot forward when you are having your day in court.


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Having your day in court

Common Legal Aid Services

by Beverley Lopez

If you find yourself in a legal matter that you can't handle on your own, and you can't afford to hire a solicitor, you may be able to obtain a wide range of services through a legal aid organisation. These are organisations sponsored by the 1976 Legal Aid Commission Act, whose primary purpose is to help economically disadvantaged people find legal advice and lawyers willing to represent them for little to no money. Here are some of the legal services they can offer you:

Youth Law -- Legal aid organisations typically have a group of legal representatives who are experienced in legal matters involving children's court, and can offer you assistance if your child or another youth that you know is in trouble with the law. Youth law legal aid is most often involved in criminal court matters, and can take the form of legal advice on the phone, interaction with a legal aid representative to discuss the specifics of the case and appointing a barrister to handle court proceedings.

Barristers can provide assistance with bail, plea bargains, sentence review and appeals after a verdict is handed down. If your child needs a legal aid barrister immediately, legal aid organisations have what are known as 'duty lawyers' on staff, whose sole purpose is to appear in court with a youth who's going before a judge for the first time.

Domestic Violence -- If you or someone you know is in a domestic violence situation, a legal aid organisation can offer advice about obtaining an order of protection, help place you or the person you know in a temporary shelter or home and provide information about the kinds of criminal charges for which you can petition the court. Domestic violence situations are fraught with emotion and danger, so the most important thing a legal aid organisation can do is to ensure that you have shelter and protection before considering all your legal remedies.

Immigration -- If you or a family member are embroiled in a legal issue related to immigration status, a legal aid organisation may be able to help you understand the finer points of immigration law, mediate between you and the judge and—in extreme cases in which you or a family member are being detained—determine if your arrest is within the parameters of the law. Legal aid organisations often employ a migration agent to help sort through the myriad laws that govern immigration. Migration agents specialise in helping people obtain visas to become legal citizens of Australia.

For more information, contact a law firm like Adams & Co Lawyers Pty Ltd.
